Algebra Instructions

1) Create the items (enter into staff) first by looking at the current items in Quickbase and then add the same items into staff.

Here are the items:

2) Next create all the CBMs which will be 22 total. See list above for how the items make up the CBMs.

Prescreener CBM parameters:

Tags: Pre-Screener, Algebra, "cbm title" ; grade: 8; Subject: Math; Published; Timed Threshold: 0; Mastery Thresh: 100; Termination Thresh: 100

Regular CBM parameters

Tags: Algebra, "cbm title" ; grade: 8; Subject: Math; Published; Timed Threshold: 0; Mastery Threshold: 100; Termination Thresh: 100

3) Create 11 subtests. 01 to 11. 2 CBMs in each sub-test. Prescreener CBM is placed first.